Digital Rights Weekly Update: 30 August - 5 September


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7amleh Published a Position Paper Titled "The War on Gaza: An Analytical Reading of the Consequences and Impacts on Digital Safety among Palestinian Youth"

an excerpt from 7amleh


7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media has published a position paper titled "The War on Gaza: An Analytical Reading of the Consequences and Impacts on Digital Safety among Palestinian Youth." This paper offers an analytical review of the potential effects of digital violations led by Israel, which have eroded the sense of security among Palestinian youth, while also reflecting on the stance of human rights organizations on the issue. The position paper reveals the severe consequences of weaponizing modern technology to serve the Israeli military establishment and discusses the accelerated developments in the political and field arenas, leading to the escalation of digital rights violations against Palestinians. Israel's use of digital technologies for destruction and intimidation has obliterated the boundaries that once separated safe and unsafe spaces in both the digital and physical worlds. These digital violations have affected the basic human rights of Palestinians, creating a state of fear that has become part of the daily life of the Palestinian people.




A virtual siege: How Israel’s digital blockade mute Palestinians? 

an excerpt from Turkiye Today


Israel’s digital blockade against Palestinians represents a complex and interconnected system of suppression that extends beyond physical borders into the online world. From the deliberate restriction of telecommunications infrastructure to the targeted removal of Palestinian voices from social media, Israel’s digital blockade is a reflection of its broader strategy to control and silence Palestinian narratives. These actions are not isolated incidents but part of a coordinated effort to undermine Palestinian identity, expression, and autonomy in digital space. One clear example of this digital suppression is Israel’s control over Palestinian telecommunications. Despite international agreements intended to foster Palestinian autonomy, Israel has consistently restricted the development of Palestinian communication networks.




Explained: How AI Is Leading Israel's Bombing Campaign In Gaza

an excerpt from NDTV World 


As Israel's "war" drags on for 10 months, the focus is back on Israel's AI tools that have been extensively used in its bombing campaign in the Gaza Strip. Gospel', 'Alchemist', 'The Death of Wisdom' and 'Lavender' are not titles of a novel but names of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that have been used to process vast amounts of data, identify suspects who have links with Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and to strike them.Lavender, developed by Israel's elite intelligence division, Unit 8200, operates as an AI-powered database designed to identify potential targets linked to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). 




Posts That Include “From the River to the Sea”

an excerpt from Oversight Board


In reviewing three cases involving different pieces of Facebook content containing the phrase “From the River to the Sea,” the Board finds they did not break Meta’s rules on Hate Speech, Violence and Incitement or Dangerous Organizations and Individuals. In reviewing three cases involving different pieces of Facebook content containing the phrase “From the River to the Sea,” the Board finds they did not break Meta’s rules on Hate Speech, Violence and Incitement or Dangerous Organizations and Individuals. Specifically, the three pieces of content contain contextual signs of solidarity with Palestinians – but no language calling for violence or exclusion. They also do not glorify or even refer to Hamas, an organization designated as dangerous by Meta.


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