The Threat of Mass Surveillance to Palestinian Digital Human Rights
Les droits numériques des Palestiniens attaqués
Palestinians Digital Rights Under Attack
Tech Giants and Genocide: Exploring Complicity in Digital Spaces
ندوة رقمية: الأمان الرقمي للشباب الفلسطيني: تهديدات وتحديات خلال الحرب على غزة
AI in Security & Social Movements: How AI have been Weaponized against Communities in the US
Antony Loewenstein - The Gaza Laboratory: How “battle-tested” AI is a Threat to the World
Technological Exacerbated Oppression-How students can push Big Tech towards a more just model
AI for Social Change:How Human Rights Defenders, Civil Society & Academics are Utilizing AI for Good
التطوير التكراري لمشاريع الأثر الاجتماعي AI-Assisted Iterative Development of Social Impact Projects
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