Digital Rights Weekly Update 21 - 27 June


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7amleh launches a digital security support platform (English)


We present to you the Digital Security Support Platform, which aims to provide rapid response to digital security incidents by providing advice and technical support for digital safety for Palestinian human rights defenders, journalists, and civil society organizations. The digital security help platform provides support in the following cases: - Suspicious behavior of devices - Hacking of accounts or devices - Data breaches - Online impersonation - Online harassment and bullying - Electronic blackmail - General guidance on digital security This service comes in response to the increase in digital violations against Palestinians. It aims to provide the necessary protection and technical support to those affected immediately and free of charge. You can contact the support team via email: or via text and voice messages on WhatsApp and Signal applications at +972533302167. The team works from Sunday to Thursday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Jerusalem time.




Para-doxing: Publicity and Privacy for activists in the Digital Age (English)


The use of social media has revolutionized the way that and activism is done. The smartphone gives the ability to every person who owns one, and has an internet connection, to become a journalist. This can have serious benefits. For instance, images of the destruction of Gaza are getting out, even though it’s become increasingly difficult for international journalists to get in without risking their lives. New technology provides opportunities while social media gives a platform to average people that haven’t  had access to before. It’s also making activists a target. Maliciously publicizing someone’s private information, a practice known as “doxing”, is now an all too common practice. Marginalized groups are especially at risk and the proliferation of racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ bigotry has become a major problem online, especially for those willing to speak out against injustice.




Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because “Terrorists” Could Go Online (English)

The Intercept

ISRAEL OPPOSED A proposal at a recent United Nations forum aimed at rebuilding the Gaza Strip’s war-ravaged telecommunications infrastructure on the grounds that Palestinian connectivity is a readymade weapon for Hamas. The resolution, which was drafted by Saudi Arabia for last week’s U.N. International Telecommunication Union summit in Geneva, is aimed at returning internet access to Gaza’s millions of disconnected denizens.





Religious Zionism on TikTok... This is how genocide was legislated in Gaza (Arabic)

Al-Jazeera Net

Since the beginning of the rise of Ben Gvir’s star, TikTok was the main field he chose to address and mobilize Israeli youth, so he created his own account on the platform in July 2021. The following year, Ben Gvir carried out a reform and renewal process for his account, and assigned his son to manage the account, and he became active. So much so, that Yair Lapid, the Israeli opposition figure, called Ben Gvir a “Tik Tok clown.” Ben Gvir is fully aware of the importance of TikTok in reaching young people in “Israel”, and he has been able to deliver the discourse of religious Zionism, which incites the refusal to evacuate the settlements, the annexation of the West Bank, and justifies violence against “gentiles” who are not Jews. Israeli activist Uri Malron even said, “TikTok is the most important political arena for us.”



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