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Social Media and its Negative Side effects on Psychological and Mental Health (Arabic)
In the past decade, social media has spread in an unprecedented way as a result of tremendous technological development and progress, as platforms such as: (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) have become part of the usual routine for many of most individuals in the world. If you spend hours every day browsing your social media accounts, you are not alone. In most societies, the average person spends 2 to 4 hours per day on social media, with usage particularly high among adolescents and young adults, who are still developing their identity and sense of self. This means that there are many members of society who prefer to spend time on social networking sites, but if this behavior turns into excessive use, it will affect our mental and psychological health and our daily life activities such as: work or our social relationships, then this is what is called social networking addiction.
The Social Intifada: How Palestinian Youth Use Social Media toForge Instant Forms of Activism (English)
The New Arab
Social media has funnelled the anger and resentment against the occupation but has also become the new channel for the youth to identify and find common political ground. "Social media has been useful in providing support to mobilise and organise the young generations into groupsز" said Dr Khalil Shikaki, Professor of Political Science and director of the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey. "What is clear is that a social transformation is underway for a change within the Palestinian society and the need for a new approach to deal with the occupation," Dr Shikaki explains.
Enhancing Gender Equality and Coverage of Gender-based Violence in Palestinian Media outlets (English)
UNESCO and UN Women present findings and recommendations of a research funded by Sweden into Palestinian media from a gender perspective, and Palestinian journalists and media outlets sign a Code of Conduct committing to improving their approach to gender and GBV. The research was led by Ms. Nahed Abu Teimeh, who presented the report and its outcomes and recommendations during the launch event. It found that gendered issues, including gender-based violence, were frequently marginalised in the media. High-profile cases of violence against women and girls, such as femicides, tended to get coverage which quickly petered out.
Facebook Threatens to Delete Palestine Chronicle Page, Censors its Staff (English)
Palestine Chronicle
After recently denying Palestine Chronicle Editor, Ramzy Baroud, his ‘admin’ status on the Palestine Chronicle Facebook page, other Palestine Chronicle editors have been notified that the page could be restricted or taken down entirely. “I received a notification on Monday, December 12, telling me that my Facebook profile account has been restricted, and that ‘multiple restrictions’ have been imposed on my account,” Palestine Chronicle Managing Editor, Romana Rubeo said.
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