Call for Researchers: Research on the Palestinian Youth Digital Space, Security and Rights


Terms of Reference


7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that aims to empower the Palestinian and Arab civil society in digital advocacy by building professional capabilities, defending digital rights, and creating effective media campaigns. 

The virtual world has become the primary space where children and youth across the occupied Palestinian territories spend their time, as well as where they express their opinions and political views. However, 87% of Palestinian children and youth rarely or never participate in political discussions online due to fear of prosecution from authorities who monitor their social media content.  In addition to being under surveillance and targeted by governmental authorities, many youth are exposed to cyber bullying, pornographic material, extortion, theft of personal virtual accounts and personal information, social or political persecutions from sharing personal opinions, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse. Furthermore, concentrated efforts to censor the voices of young people by the Israeli and Palestinian governmental actors, as well as social media platforms has greatly impacted many Palestinian youth activists, who use their social media accounts to document their lived experiences and share their perspective on social and political issues. Furthermore, youth have been at the heart of many of the recent movements for political change, and social media networks are seen as critical tools for political participation and a means to bring about political reform and the protection of human rights in Palestine. 

Through this proposed action, 7amleh will utilise its extensive experience working to ensure greater protection of Youth digital rights. This will be accomplished through targeted research designed to highlight the current challenges, threats and opportunities that exist for Palestinian youth within the digital space, across the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, as well as advocacy campaigns designed to promote the protection of the rights of Palestinian youth online.

Research Needs with Time Frame 

7amleh is requesting applications for a researcher to conduct a comprehensive research on the Palestinian Youth Digital Space, Security and Rights in Occupied Palestinian Territories.  Starting from 1 August and to be submitted by 30 November. The table below explains the researcher role and service description with the expected time frame of deliverables - alongside key supervision of other service providers (Facilitator and Survey Collectors). 

The researcher should provide the FGD structure before 1 September and the survey structure and question before 1 October. As the researcher will supervise the facilitator to  Conduct 6 focus group discussion (2 hours each) with Youth ages 15-30 (60% female, 40% male) across East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza strip, as well as other relevant stakeholders such as Educators, Parents and Youth advocates and organisations working on behalf of the protection of Youth. This will include preparing the questions, reporting on the outcome of the discussions and analysis of the results. Additionally, will supervise consultancy to collect 500 survey responses targeting Palestinian Youth ages 15-30 (50% female, 50% male) across East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza strip. This will include design of the survey, sample per area. Some surveys will be conducted via telephone and others via online.

After the submission of the final draft, of the research paper will be reviewed by an academic editor 



Service Description 

Timeframe (2023)



Manage all research stages (up to 50 pages in total), as well as the final analysis of the results . This individual will be an expert in Youth protection, with extensive experience implementing large scale analysis. This will include conducting a desk review/literature review, addressing the methodology, designing structure of FGD and supervising the facilitator, and design of survey questions and supervising the survey collectors. Finally, analysing the result of the qualitative and quantitative information in order to identify key points, and provide recommendations for the project itself and implications.

Deliver final research draft. 

1 Aug - 30 Nov 


How to apply? 

Interested researchers can apply for this Terms of Reference by sending an email to with “Youth Digital Protection - Researcher” in the subject line. and explain in the email their interest in applying for the position with providing supporting documents according to the following:




Supporting Documents 



  • PhD or MA degree in relevant field within social sciences

  • Previous research experience and publications (send available examples, advantage to applicants with relevant publication to this research)

  • Understanding of the context in Palestine 

  • CV

  • Sample or list of publications 

  • Price offer with expected workload 


Selection Process 

The deadline for applications is Tuesday, August 29th, 2023. Only suitable candidates will be contacted for a 20-minute interview to discuss this assignment and examine suitability. Final decision will be made before the start of the assignment on 1 September 2023 which will be completed by 30 November 2023.


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