40 Palestinians trained in 3 Training of Trainers held in first half of 2020


Training of Trainers are part of 7amleh’s ongoing efforts to build the capacity of a pool of trainers on digital security and gender-sensitive digital security to hold workshops throughout Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media held three Training of Trainers (ToT) in the first half of 2020 reaching a total of 13 of 7amleh’s trainers and adding 27 new trainers to 7amleh’s trainer pool.

Due to the coronavirus and a temporary stop to in-person digital security workshops end of March 2020, 7amleh held two ToTs on how to build online workshops and which secure E-Learning platforms are available and advantages and disadvantages of them, in order to build the capacity of 7amleh’s trainers according to the new developments with the coronavirus. All 13 of 7amleh’s pool of digital security trainers participated in this training in cooperation with Deutsche Welle. 

An additional ToT on digital Security was held in five vulnerable areas in East Jerusalem on 18,19, 25 and 26 of June. A total number of 27 participants took part in the training which built their capacities to communicate knowledge and skills they learnt to other youth in East Jerusalem.



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