7amleh dedicates mini webpage to advocacy for Google to abide by human rights standards in regards to Palestinians
7amleh – the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media launched a mini-site with a collection of information on Google Maps’ discriminatory policies towards Palestinians and their impact and repercussions. Additionally, the page features several ways to get involved and contribute to the call on Google to respect Palestinian human rights. The mini-page features direct links to an in-depth research on Google Maps policies regarding Palestinian human rights, and illustrates how Google disregards their own commitments and violates international law and human rights standards in their depiction of Palestine.
Additionally, two videos illustrate these policies. Direct links give visitors to the site the opportunity to sign a petition for Google to include Palestinian locations in the mapping service, to send a letter to the Google CEO or a tweet to Google. This mini-page is part of the continuing advocacy-efforts by 7amleh for Palestinian digital rights, and an adherence to human rights standards by Google and comes after the launch of the research accompanied by a social media campaign, and a twitter-storm on 17th October around the hashtag #GoogleMapPalestine.
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