7amleh Successfully Completes Training Course in "Social Media Marketing for Campaigns" in Nablus


On Saturday 11th April 2015, 7amleh concluded a training course on “Social Media Marketing for Campaigns”, which was held in co-operation with Palestine Vision. The course consisted of 4 weekly meetings and was attended by civil society activists in Nablus

Over the 4 meetings, the training sessions focused on building media strategies to change society, digital media tools (visual, written and audio content), methods of using social media to market the issues focused on by, and activities of, civil society institutions and activists. These issues and activities need more awareness, particularly in terms of communicating the reality of Palestinian society (especially from a youth-oriented perspective) in the northern West Bank.

The perspective offered by Palestinian activists from this region is very unique, and has the potential to provide stimulating content for individual and communal digital storytelling. The focus on campaign-building provided participants with both theoretical and practical knowledge of social media. Rasha Hilwi, 7amleh’s training program co-ordinator, used the sessions to address different social media issues such as how to build popular digital campaigns, how best to use Facebook for advocacy purposes, in addition to digital storytelling through blogging and other forms of digital expression. Participants used this information build a popular digital campaign, which will be released soon. This course is the fifth training activity by the 7amleh Center. The Center has previously run training courses in Haifa, Jerusalem and the Naqab and is planning to hold new sessions in the Triangle and Bethlehem area in the near future. 

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