Webinar: Palestine Advocacy and Tech Worker Suppression


Webinar: Palestine Advocacy and Tech Worker Suppression

Over a year into the ongoing genocide, and Big Tech’s complicity is becoming more and more evident. With more and more evidence coming out, Tech Workers have mobilized in increasing numbers to stand in solidarity with Palestine, and say they don’t want their work to contribute to Palestinian human rights violations. However, Big Tech firms have exceedingly responded to this workplace advocacy with professional repression. 

7amleh’s most recent publication, Delete the Issue, provides an in depth analysis of this professional repression through the lens of 25 tech worker testimonies. We invite you to this webinar, co-hosted by 7amleh and the Tech Workers Coalition, to hear stories from Tech Workers, and analyze the implications of Big Tech’s recent actions.

Thursday, 21st November 2024
10:00am - 11:00am Pacific Time
1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
8:00pm - 9:00pm Palestine time

Please register to the event, using this link



Eric Sype

Eric is a Community Organizer and Advocate for Palestinian Human Rights. He is 7amleh’s National Organizer in the United States and works to build a broad base of support for Palestinian Digital Rights within the US. 

Mohammad Khatami

Mohammad Khatami is a former Google software engineer who was arrested and fired for protesting the company's military contract with Israel. He is a worker-organizer with No Tech For Apartheid.

Sophia Felipe

Sophia (she/her) is a former Business Development Associate at Cisco, based in San Francisco. Standing in allyship for Palestinian justice, Sophia was the Allyship and Dialogue co-lead for the Palestine Network at Cisco employee resource group (ERG), and was a leader for the Bridge to Humanity; a community comprised of 1700 Concerned Cisconians calling for the company’s divestment from the Israeli Government. Recently let go from Cisco, she recently walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and continues to pressure big tech divestment from the genocide, whilst seeking roles that leverage her business x purpose mindset to effectively incite positive social change.



Alex Fine

Alexandra Fine is a qualitative researcher, writer, educator, and advocate. Most recently, she worked in development and advocacy with 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, and currently volunteers as a researcher for various Tech for Palestine initiatives concerning media bias and AI. She earned a PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of California, Davis in 2021, and subsequently worked as a university professor, teaching in medical humanities, disability studies, feminist theory, media, and migration and refugee studies. In her research, she examines impacts of colonialism on health, specifically considering how migrants and refugees in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant experience border surveillance technologies, policies, and processes.


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